● Die Fette Kuh

"Die Fette Kuh" (The fat cow) is a thriving burger joint in Cologne's Südstadt district. The ever-sizzling restaurant takes no reservations and serves highest quality dishes. They also deliver them around town with new age services like Wolt and Gorillas. The whole concept has gained a wide following on social media and retains a loving fan base.



“Die Fette Kuh” (The fat cow) is a thriving burger joint in Cologne’s Südstadt district. The ever-sizzling restaurant takes no reservations and serves highest quality dishes. They also deliver them around town with new age services like Wolt and Gorillas. The whole concept has gained a wide following on social media and retains a loving fan base.

We picked up the brand at a time of expansion and refocusing, when it was still quickly designing labels to meet its overflowing output of recipe ideas — now it’s on the rise with a dozen ready-to-eat products and sauces that cater to the tastes of the modern burger lover.

Shortly before being broadcasted on “Germany’s most savory idea” we cut the ribbon to their new online store, which quickly attracted a five-figure number of unique customers after the charming brand narrowly lost in the finale of the show, but won our hearts and a lot of new fans of non-vegan food.

Die Fette Kuh

Der Fette Shop + Website

Label Design

  • ③ Digital Experience
  • ⑤ Graphic Design
  • ② Brand Building
  • ③ Digital Experience
  • ⑤ Graphic Design
  • ② Brand Building
  • ③ Digital Experience
  • ⑤ Graphic Design
  • ⑦ Photography
  • ⑥ Interior Design